
Last Sacrifice 5/5

This is the last book in the Vampire Academy series, and boy was it good! I wanted to read it really fast just to know how it ended, but at the same time I wanted to just enjoy it and savor it. So bittersweet to read the last book in a series. I mean, yes, you get to know how everything ends up but it's the last book! It's the last book you'll read for the first time!

For those who are not familiar with the Vampire Academy-series: The main character, Rose, is a dhampir, a half-vampire, who is in training to become a guardian, those who protect the moroi (vampires). Her best friend, Vasilisa, is a royal moroi, and Rose views it as her life goal to protect her.

I loved this book. L-O-V-E-D it. Let's just put it like this: As far as the romance part, I was bound to be happy anyway. I'm a Rose/Dimitri-shipper, but I still adore Adrian/Rose. So yeah, I would be happy anyway. And I was.

It was still great fun to be in Rose's head. Some of the stuff she thinks is so hilarious! And the situations she gets herself in! This book had me laughing a whole lot, which is what I really like about Mead's writing. She wants you laughing, and she'll manage to do it every single time.

What is so great about this series is that even though it's about vampires, it's not about vampires. Yes, they are all vampires or half-vampires, but that's not what the story centers around. It's the romance and action which keep me hooked on this series. So if you're thinking that you're totally over the vamp-thing, you need not stay away from this amazing series.

A must-read for everyone with a passion for the supernatural, action and romance.

Read: Dec 14, 2010

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